Position papers

The new circular economy roadmap – summary and priorities

The European Steel Association welcomes the 'new circular economy action plan' roadmap.

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Steel plays a vital role as an enabler for transitioning to a CO2 neutral and circular economy. The fact that steel maintains its inherent properties, through multiple recycling loops, means it remains permanently available to the society. However, there are still some aspects of policy that fail to recognise and limit our contribution to a more circular economy. The main issues and proposed solutions are summarised below and further detailed in the attached paper sent to the open feedback consultation by the EU Commission.

These are the main areas covered in this position paper:

  • Sustainable Steel Products Policy
  • Reduce Waste Generation, use of by-products and toxic-free
  • A well-functioning and integrated internal market for secondary raw materials and by-products
  • To increase the amount of waste treated domestically
  • Consistency and coherency surrounding the Green Deal

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Published: 01 January 2018


The European Steel Association (EUROFER)
172 Avenue de Cortenbergh
1000 Brussels


Email: mail@eurofer.eu
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